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my_classdata method - sets/gets class data


function cdata = my_classdata(fieldname, value)


 my_classdata method - sets/gets class data
 maroi class data is implemented with a persistent variable
 CLASSDATA  This is a structure containing fields

 spacebase  - space in which to do ROI combination 
 fileend    - filename end with extension for ROI files
 def_binthresh - default roithresh for binarize ROIs
 def_wtthresh  - default roithresh for non-binarize ROIs

 Field values can be returned with the call
    maroi('classdata') - which returns the whole structure
 or maroi('classdata', fieldname) - which returns field data

 Field values can be set with the call
 maroi('classdata', fieldname, value) OR
 maroi('classdata', struct) where struct contains fields matching those

 The same functionality results from 
 classdata(maroi_obj, fieldname) etc.

 Matthew Brett 1/8/01 (MRD+)



This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function cdata = my_classdata(fieldname, value)
0002 % my_classdata method - sets/gets class data
0003 % maroi class data is implemented with a persistent variable
0004 % CLASSDATA  This is a structure containing fields
0005 %
0006 % spacebase  - space in which to do ROI combination
0007 % fileend    - filename end with extension for ROI files
0008 % def_binthresh - default roithresh for binarize ROIs
0009 % def_wtthresh  - default roithresh for non-binarize ROIs
0010 %
0011 % Field values can be returned with the call
0012 %    maroi('classdata') - which returns the whole structure
0013 % or maroi('classdata', fieldname) - which returns field data
0014 %
0015 % Field values can be set with the call
0016 % maroi('classdata', fieldname, value) OR
0017 % maroi('classdata', struct) where struct contains fields matching those
0018 % in CLASSDATA
0019 %
0020 % The same functionality results from
0021 % classdata(maroi_obj, fieldname) etc.
0022 %
0023 % Matthew Brett 1/8/01 (MRD+)
0024 %
0025 % $Id$
0027 persistent CLASSDATA
0028 if isempty(CLASSDATA)
0029   % default space is that of the SPM templates
0030   t1mat = [2     0     0   -92; ...
0031        0     2     0  -128; ... 
0032        0     0     2   -74; ...
0033        0     0     0     1];
0034   CLASSDATA = struct(...
0035       'spacebase', mars_space([91 109 91],  t1mat), ...
0036       'fileend','_roi.mat',...
0037       'def_hold', 1,...
0038       'def_binthresh', 0.5,...
0039       'def_wtthresh', eps);
0041 end
0043 if nargin < 1 % simple classdata call
0044   cdata = CLASSDATA;
0045   return
0046 end
0047 if nargin < 2 && ~isstruct(fieldname) % fieldname get call
0048   if isfield(CLASSDATA, fieldname) 
0049     cdata = getfield(CLASSDATA,fieldname);
0050   else 
0051     cdata = []; 
0052   end
0053   return
0054 end
0056 % some sort of set call
0057 if ~isstruct(fieldname) 
0058   fieldname = struct(struct(fieldname, value));
0059 end
0060 for field = fieldnames(fieldname)
0061   if isfield(CLASSDATA, field{1})
0062     CLASSDATA = setfield(CLASSDATA, field{1},...
0063                     getfield(fieldname, field{1}));
0064   end
0065 end
0066 cdata = CLASSDATA;

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