Home > marsbar > @marmoire > do_save.m



method to save data for item


function [res, o] = do_save(o, item, flags, filename)


 method  to save data for item
 FORMAT [res, o] = do_save(o, item, flags, filename)
 o        - object
 item     - item name
 flags    - flags for save (see save_item_data.m for details)
 filename - (maybe) filename for save
 saved_f  - flag set to 1 if save done, 0 not done, -1 if cancel
 o        - possibly modified object 

 The function is written like this so that, in the future, we can use
 callbacks in this code to manipulate all the objects in the armoire


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [res, o] = do_save(o, item, flags, filename)
0002 % method  to save data for item
0003 % FORMAT [res, o] = do_save(o, item, flags, filename)
0004 %
0005 % o        - object
0006 % item     - item name
0007 % flags    - flags for save (see save_item_data.m for details)
0008 % filename - (maybe) filename for save
0009 %
0010 % Returns
0011 % saved_f  - flag set to 1 if save done, 0 not done, -1 if cancel
0012 % o        - possibly modified object
0013 %
0014 % The function is written like this so that, in the future, we can use
0015 % callbacks in this code to manipulate all the objects in the armoire
0016 %
0017 % $Id$
0019 if nargin < 2
0020   error('Need item');
0021 end
0022 if nargin < 3
0023   flags = NaN;
0024 end
0025 if nargin < 4
0026   filename = NaN;
0027 end
0029 % Get item
0030 item_struct = get_item_struct(o, item);
0032 % process flags
0033 if ~isstruct(flags), flags = []; end
0034 if pr_is_nix(filename), filename = item_struct.file_name; end
0035 if pr_is_nix(filename), filename = item_struct.default_file_name; end
0037 if pr_needs_save(item_struct) || isfield(flags, 'force') % force flag
0038   % prompt for filename if UI
0039   if isfield(flags, 'ui')
0040     % warn if empty, and warn_empty flag (we must be forcing to get here)
0041     if pr_isempty(item_struct)
0042       if isfield(flags, 'warn_empty')
0043     msgbox('Nothing to save', ...
0044            [item_struct.title ' is not set'], 'warn');
0045       end
0046       res = 0;
0047       return
0048     end
0049     % Work out prompt
0050     if isfield(flags, 'prompt')
0051       prompt = flags.prompt;
0052     else 
0053       prompt = item_struct.title;
0054     end
0055     if isfield(flags, 'prompt_prefix')
0056       prompt = [flags.prompt_prefix prompt];
0057     end
0058     if isfield(flags, 'prompt_suffix')
0059       prompt = [prompt flags.prompt_suffix];
0060     end
0061     if isfield(flags, 'ync')
0062       save_yn = questdlg(['Save ' prompt '?'],...
0063              'Save', 'Yes', 'No', 'Cancel', 'Yes');
0064       if strcmp(save_yn, 'Cancel'), res = -1; return, end      
0065       if strcmp(save_yn, 'No')
0066     if isfield(flags, 'no_no_save')
0067       o  = set_item_param(o, item, 'has_changed', 0);
0068     end
0069     res = 0; 
0070     return
0071       end
0072     end
0073     pr = ['Filename to save ' prompt]; 
0074     [f p] = mars_uifile('put', item_struct.filter_spec, pr, filename);
0075     if all(f==0), res = -1; return, end
0076     filename = fullfile(p, f);
0077   end
0078   savestruct(item_struct.data, filename);
0079   if item_struct.verbose
0080     fprintf('%s saved to %s\n', item_struct.title, filename);
0081   end
0082   item_struct.file_name = filename;
0083   item_struct.has_changed = 0;
0084   if item_struct.leave_as_file
0085     % maintain only on file, as it has beed saved
0086     item_struct.data = [];
0087   end
0088   o  = set_item_struct(o, item, item_struct);
0089   res = 1;
0090 else
0091   res = 0;
0092 end
0093 return

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