Home > marsbar > @marsy > region_name.m



method gets or sets data for region name


function res = region_name(o, r_nos, new_data, default_prefix)


 method gets or sets data for region name
 FORMAT res = region_name(o, r_nos) (get) OR
 FORMAT res = region_name(o, r_nos, [], default_prefix) (get) OR  
 FORMAT res = region_name(o, r_nos, new_data) (set)
 o              - marsy object
 r_nos          - region number 
                  or array of region numbers
                  or empty - giving all regions
 new_data       - cell array, containing new names to set
 default_prefix - default prefix to make default name for 
                  regions with undefined names
                  if empty, undefined region names are empty
                  if not empty, undefined region names returned
                  as prefix followed by region number
                  defaults to 'region_', giving region names
                  'region_1', 'region_2' etc
 (get call)
 res             - cell array of region names OR
 (set call)
 res             - object with new field names set


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function res = region_name(o, r_nos, new_data, default_prefix)
0002 % method gets or sets data for region name
0003 % FORMAT res = region_name(o, r_nos) (get) OR
0004 % FORMAT res = region_name(o, r_nos, [], default_prefix) (get) OR
0005 % FORMAT res = region_name(o, r_nos, new_data) (set)
0006 %
0007 % Inputs
0008 % o              - marsy object
0009 % r_nos          - region number
0010 %                  or array of region numbers
0011 %                  or empty - giving all regions
0012 % new_data       - cell array, containing new names to set
0013 % default_prefix - default prefix to make default name for
0014 %                  regions with undefined names
0015 %                  if empty, undefined region names are empty
0016 %                  if not empty, undefined region names returned
0017 %                  as prefix followed by region number
0018 %                  defaults to 'region_', giving region names
0019 %                  'region_1', 'region_2' etc
0020 %
0021 % Returns
0022 % (get call)
0023 % res             - cell array of region names OR
0024 % (set call)
0025 % res             - object with new field names set
0026 %
0027 % $Id$
0029 if nargin < 2
0030   r_nos = [];
0031 end
0032 if nargin < 3
0033   new_data = [];
0034 end
0035 if nargin < 4
0036   default_prefix = 'region_';
0037 end
0039 if ~isempty(new_data)  % set call
0040   res = region(o, r_nos, new_data, 'name');
0041 else                    % get call
0042   [rs r_nos] = region(o, r_nos);
0043   if isempty(rs), res = rs; return, end
0044   for i = 1:length(rs)
0045     if mars_struct('isthere', rs{i}, 'name') 
0046       res{i} = rs{i}.name;
0047     elseif ~isempty(default_prefix)
0048       res{i} = sprintf('%s%d', default_prefix, r_nos(i));
0049     else
0050       res{i} = '';    
0051     end
0052   end
0053 end

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