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returns an (n x n) autocorrelation matrix for an AR(p) process


function [Q] = pr_spm_q(A,n)


 returns an (n x n) autocorrelation matrix for an AR(p) process
 FORMAT [Q] = pr_spm_q(A,n)

 A  - vector pf p AR coeficients
 n  - size of Q
 spm_Q uses a Yule-Walker device to compute K where:
 y = K*z
 such that y is an AR(n) process generated from an i.i.d innovation 
 z.  This means
 cov(y) = <K*z*z'*K> = K*K'
 Critically, this is not the correlation because if cov(z) = eye(n) 
 then trace(cov(y)) ~= n.  This is why the normalization is required
 corr(y) = D*K*K'*D';
 The reason the diagonals of corr(y)  are not constant is that we 
 are modeling finite length AR sequences, which incur boundary effects 
 at the beginning and end of the sequence.
 Copyright (C) 2005 Wellcome Department of Imaging Neuroscience


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [Q] = pr_spm_q(A,n)
0002 % returns an (n x n) autocorrelation matrix for an AR(p) process
0003 % FORMAT [Q] = pr_spm_q(A,n)
0004 %
0005 % A  - vector pf p AR coeficients
0006 % n  - size of Q
0007 %__________________________________________________________________________
0008 % spm_Q uses a Yule-Walker device to compute K where:
0009 %
0010 % y = K*z
0011 %
0012 % such that y is an AR(n) process generated from an i.i.d innovation
0013 % z.  This means
0014 %
0015 % cov(y) = <K*z*z'*K> = K*K'
0016 %
0017 % Critically, this is not the correlation because if cov(z) = eye(n)
0018 % then trace(cov(y)) ~= n.  This is why the normalization is required
0019 %
0020 % corr(y) = D*K*K'*D';
0021 %
0022 % The reason the diagonals of corr(y)  are not constant is that we
0023 % are modeling finite length AR sequences, which incur boundary effects
0024 % at the beginning and end of the sequence.
0025 %__________________________________________________________________________
0026 % Copyright (C) 2005 Wellcome Department of Imaging Neuroscience
0028 % Karl Friston
0029 % $Id: spm_Q.m 372 2005-12-08 17:12:13Z karl $
0032 % compute Q
0033 %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
0034 p    = length(A);
0035 A    = [1 -A(:)'];
0036 K    = inv(spdiags(ones(n,1)*A,-[0:p],n,n));
0037 K    = K.*(abs(K) > 1e-4);
0038 Q    = K*K';
0039 D    = spdiags(sqrt(1./diag(Q)),0,n,n);
0040 Q    = D*Q*D;
0041 Q    = Q.*(abs(Q) > 1e-4);

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