< Master index Index for marsbar/@mardo_5/private >

Index for marsbar/@mardo_5/private

Matlab files in this directory:

 my_designreturns 1 if design looks like it is of SPM5 / 8 type
 pr_estimateEstimation of a General Linear Model
 pr_fmri_designMarsBaR version of spm_fMRI design - asssembles a design for fMRI studies
 pr_fmristat_arfunction returns estimated AR coefficients using fmristat algorithm
 pr_get_filtergets filter using spm_fmri_spm_ui routines
 pr_spm_catconverts a cell array into a matrix
 pr_spm_cereturn error covariance constraints for serially correlated data
 pr_spm_diffmatrix high-order differentials
 pr_spm_enEuclidean normalization
 pr_spm_filepartsLike fileparts, but separates off a comma separated list at the end
 pr_spm_filterRemoves low frequency confounds X0
 pr_spm_get_bffills in basis function structure
 pr_spm_get_onsreturns input [designed effects] structures
 pr_spm_gpdfProbability Density Function (PDF) of Gamma distribution
 pr_spm_hrfreturns a hemodynamic response function
 pr_spm_justifyJustify text
 pr_spm_logdetreturns the log of the determinant of positive semi-definite matrix C
 pr_spm_non_sphericityreturn error covariance constraints for basic ANOVA designs
 pr_spm_orthrecursive orthogonalization of basis functions
 pr_spm_qreturns an (n x n) autocorrelation matrix for an AR(p) process
 pr_spm_remlReML estimation of covariance components from y*y'
 pr_spm_selectFile selector
 pr_spm_svdcomputationally efficient SVD (that can handle sparse arguments)
 pr_spm_uiMarsBaR: Setting up the general linear model for independent data
 pr_spm_unvecunvectorises a vectorised array
 pr_spm_vecvectorises a numeric, cell or structure array
 pr_spm_volterrageneralized convolution of inputs (U) with basis set (bf)
 pr_stat_computeprivate function to compute statistics for SPM2 design
 pr_stat_compute_mvprivate function to compute mutlivariate statistics across ROIs

Dependency Graph

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