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returns [design] matrix of explanatory variables


function [X,Xn,IND,BF,name] = spm_Volterra(SF,BF,name,N)


 returns [design] matrix of explanatory variables
 FORMAT [X Xn IND BF name] = spm_Volterra(SF,BF,name,N);
 SF{i}   -  multivariate causes: SF{i}(:,j) = casue i,  expansion j
 BF{i}   -  Basis functions:     BF{i}      = basis set for cause i
 name{i} -  name of cause i
 N       -  [1 or 2] order of Volterra expansion

 X       -  Design Matrix
 Xn{i}   -  name of cause i (now including interactions among causes)
 IND{i}  -  indices pertaining to cause i (and interactions)

 For first order expansions spm_Volterra simply convolves the causes
 (e.g. stick functions) in SF by the basis functions in BF to create
 a design matrix X.  For second order expansions new entries appear
 in IND, BF and name that correspond to the interaction among the
 orginal causes (if the events are sufficiently close in time).
 The basis functions for these are two dimensional and are used to
 assemble the second order kernel in spm_graph.m.  Second order effects
 are computed for only the first column of SF.
 @(#)spm_Volterra.m    2.1 Karl Friston 99/05/11


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [X,Xn,IND,BF,name] = spm_Volterra(SF,BF,name,N)
0002 % returns [design] matrix of explanatory variables
0003 % FORMAT [X Xn IND BF name] = spm_Volterra(SF,BF,name,N);
0004 % SF{i}   -  multivariate causes: SF{i}(:,j) = casue i,  expansion j
0005 % BF{i}   -  Basis functions:     BF{i}      = basis set for cause i
0006 % name{i} -  name of cause i
0007 % N       -  [1 or 2] order of Volterra expansion
0008 %
0009 % X       -  Design Matrix
0010 % Xn{i}   -  name of cause i (now including interactions among causes)
0011 % IND{i}  -  indices pertaining to cause i (and interactions)
0012 %___________________________________________________________________________
0013 %
0014 % For first order expansions spm_Volterra simply convolves the causes
0015 % (e.g. stick functions) in SF by the basis functions in BF to create
0016 % a design matrix X.  For second order expansions new entries appear
0017 % in IND, BF and name that correspond to the interaction among the
0018 % orginal causes (if the events are sufficiently close in time).
0019 % The basis functions for these are two dimensional and are used to
0020 % assemble the second order kernel in spm_graph.m.  Second order effects
0021 % are computed for only the first column of SF.
0022 %___________________________________________________________________________
0023 % @(#)spm_Volterra.m    2.1 Karl Friston 99/05/11
0026 % Construct X
0027 %===========================================================================
0029 % 1st order terms
0030 %---------------------------------------------------------------------------
0031 X     = [];
0032 Xn    = {};
0033 IND   = cell(1,size(SF,2));
0034 for i = 1:size(SF,2)
0035     for j = 1:size(BF{i},2)
0036         for k = 1:size(SF{i},2)
0037             x      = SF{i}(:,k);
0038             d      = 1:length(x);
0039             x      = conv(full(x),BF{i}(:,j));
0040             x      = x(d);
0041             X      = [X x];
0042             IND{i} = [IND{i} size(X,2)];
0043             if size(SF{i},2) > 1
0044                 str = [name{i} sprintf('(%i)[%i]',j,(k - 1))];
0045             else
0046                 str = [name{i} sprintf('(%i)',j)];
0047             end
0048             Xn{end + 1} = str;
0049         end
0050     end
0051 end
0053 % return if first order
0054 %---------------------------------------------------------------------------
0055 if N == 1, return, end
0057 % 2nd order terms
0058 %---------------------------------------------------------------------------
0059 k     = length(name);
0060 for i = 1:size(SF,2) 
0061     for j = i:size(SF,2)
0063         % ensure events can interact
0064         %-----------------------------------------------------------
0065         skip = 0;
0066         if i == j
0067             p    = diff(find(SF{i}(:,1)));
0068             skip = (size(BF{i},1) <= min(p)) | ~any(diff(p));
0069         end
0071         if ~skip
0073             k       = k + 1;
0074             ind     = [];
0075             bf      = {};
0076             for p = 1:size(BF{i},2)
0077                 for q = 1:size(BF{j},2)
0078                     ni     = [name{i} sprintf('(%i)',p)];
0079                     nj     = [name{j} sprintf('(%i)',q)];
0080                     x      = SF{i}(:,1);
0081                     y      = SF{j}(:,1);
0082                     x      = conv(full(x),BF{i}(:,p));
0083                     y      = conv(full(y),BF{j}(:,q));
0084                     x      = x(d);
0085                     y      = y(d);
0086                     X      = [X x.*y];        
0087                     ind    = [ind size(X,2)];
0088                     Xn{end + 1} = [ni ' x ' nj];
0089                     bf     = [bf {BF{i}(:,p)*BF{j}(:,q)'}];
0090                 end
0091             end
0092             name{k} = [name{i} ' x ' name{j}];
0093             IND{k}  = ind;
0094             BF{k}   = bf;
0095         end
0096     end
0097 end

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