< Master index Index for marsbar/@mardo_99/private >

Index for marsbar/@mardo_99/private

Matlab files in this directory:

 my_designreturns 1 if design looks like it is of SPM99 type
 pr_estimateEstimation of a General Linear Model
 pr_fmri_designMarsBaR version of spm_fMRI design - asssembles a design for fMRI studies
 pr_get_filtergets filter using spm_fmri_spm_ui routines
 pr_spm_filtercontruct and/or apply high and/or low pass filter
 pr_spm_get_bfcreates basis functions for each trial type {i} in struct BF{i}
 pr_spm_get_onsreturns onset times for events
 pr_spm_hrfreturns a hemodynamic response function
 pr_spm_orthrecursive orthogonalization of basis functions
 pr_spm_uiMarsBaR: setting up the general linear model for independent data
 pr_spm_volterrareturns [design] matrix of explanatory variables
 pr_stat_computecalculates contrast value, stats and p values for contrasts
 pr_stat_compute_mvcompute multivariate statistics across ROIs

Dependency Graph

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