Home > marsbar > @marmoire > save_item_data_ui.m



save data for item to file using GUI


function [saved_f, o] = save_item_data_ui(o, item, flags, filename)


 save data for item to file using GUI
 FORMAT [saved_f o] = save_item_data_ui(o, item, flags, filename)

 o        - object
 item     - name of item
 flags    - flags for save; see save_item_data.m for details
 filename - filename for save
 saved_f  - flag set to 1 if save done, 0 not done, -1 if cancel
            Note that, if saving with more than one item, then the value
            is from the last value saved/not saved.  Cancel aborts the
            attempt to save.
 o        - possibly modified object (changed filename, maybe data is
            left as a file, and data field made empty) 


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [saved_f, o] = save_item_data_ui(o, item, flags, filename)
0002 % save data for item to file using GUI
0003 % FORMAT [saved_f o] = save_item_data_ui(o, item, flags, filename)
0004 %
0005 % o        - object
0006 % item     - name of item
0007 % flags    - flags for save; see save_item_data.m for details
0008 % filename - filename for save
0009 %
0010 % Returns
0011 % saved_f  - flag set to 1 if save done, 0 not done, -1 if cancel
0012 %            Note that, if saving with more than one item, then the value
0013 %            is from the last value saved/not saved.  Cancel aborts the
0014 %            attempt to save.
0015 % o        - possibly modified object (changed filename, maybe data is
0016 %            left as a file, and data field made empty)
0017 %
0018 % $Id$
0020 if nargin < 2
0021   error('Need item');
0022 end
0023 if nargin < 3
0024   flags = NaN;
0025 end
0026 if nargin < 4
0027   filename = NaN;
0028 end
0030 if ~isstruct(flags), flags = []; end
0031 flags.ui = 1;
0033 [saved_f o] = save_item_data(o, item, flags, filename);

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