Home > marsbar > mars_arm.m



wrapper function for MarsBaR marmoire object


function varargout = mars_arm(action, varargin)


 wrapper function for MarsBaR marmoire object
 FORMAT varargout = mars_arm(action, varargin)
 This only to make the marsbar.m code prettier
 See the help for the marmoire object for details


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function varargout = mars_arm(action, varargin)
0002 % wrapper function for MarsBaR marmoire object
0003 % FORMAT varargout = mars_arm(action, varargin)
0004 %
0005 % This only to make the marsbar.m code prettier
0006 % See the help for the marmoire object for details
0007 %
0008 % $Id$
0010 global MARS
0011 if ~isfield(MARS, 'ARMOIRE')
0012   error('Global structure does not contain marmoire object');
0013 end
0015 if nargin < 1
0016   error('Need action');
0017 end
0019 o = MARS.ARMOIRE;
0021 switch lower(action)
0022  case 'get'
0023   [varargout{1} o varargout{2}] = get_item_data(o, varargin{:});
0024  case 'set'
0025   [o varargout{1}] = set_item_data(o, varargin{:});
0026  case 'clear'
0027   [o varargout{1}] = clear_item_data(o, varargin{:});
0028  case 'set_ui'
0029   [o varargout{1}] = set_item_data_ui(o, varargin{:});  
0030  case 'update'
0031   [o varargout{1}] = update_item_data(o, varargin{:});
0032  case 'set_param'
0033   o = set_item_param(o, varargin{:});
0034  case 'get_param'
0035   varargout{1} = get_item_param(o, varargin{:});
0036  case 'save'
0037   [varargout{1} o] = save_item_data(o, varargin{:});
0038  case 'save_ui'
0039   [varargout{1} o] = save_item_data_ui(o, varargin{:});
0040  case 'isempty'
0041   varargout{1} = isempty_item_data(o, varargin{:});
0042  case 'item_exists'
0043   varargout{1} = item_exists(o, varargin{:});
0044  case 'show_summary'
0045   if nargin < 2, error('Need item name'); end
0046   item_name = varargin{1};
0047   if ~item_exists(o, item_name)
0048     error(['What is ' item_name '?']);
0049   end
0050   if mars_arm('isempty', item_name)
0051     S = {'[Empty]'};
0052   else
0053     S  = summary(get_item_data(o, item_name));
0054     fn = get_item_param(o, item_name, 'file_name');
0055     if isempty(fn), fn = '[Not set]'; end
0056     S  = [{['Filename: ' fn]} S];
0057   end  
0058   mars_utils('graphic_text', S, get_item_param(o, item_name, 'title'));
0059  otherwise
0060   error(['Weird: ' action]);
0061 end
0063 MARS.ARMOIRE = o;

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