Home > marsbar > mars_utils.m



collection of useful utility functions for MarsBaR etc


function varargout=mars_utils(varargin)


 collection of useful utility functions for MarsBaR etc
 fname = mars_utils('str2fname', str)
    accepts string, attempts return of string for valid filename
    The passed string should be without path or extension

 tf = mars_utils('is_valid_varname', str)
    accepts string, tests if it is a valid variable name
    returns 1 for yes.

 P = mars_utils('get_img_name', fname, flags);
    gets name of image, if image exists, checks for overwrite  
    returns filename, or empty string if overwrite not wanted

 XYZ = mars_utils('e2xyz', els, dims);
    takes element numbers in an image (e.g. find(img>5)) and the
    dimensions of the image [X Y Z] and returns the 3xN voxel
    coordinates corresponding to the N elements

 absf = mars_utils('isabspath', path);
    Takes path name, and returns flag, 1 if path is absolute on this
    system, 0 if relative or empty
 mars_utils('graphic_text', strs, [title_str, [, figure_str]])
    Displays cell array of text (strs) in SPM graphics window 
    with optional title (char) title_string.  Can also set to display to
    other figure window (string or figure handle).

 mars_utils('spm_version', [check_global])
    Gets SPM version string.  Robust version to allow there to be
    versions of the spm.m file to not have Contents.m files in the same
    directory.  If optional flag check_global is zero, does _not_ check
    global SPM_VER variable for version, and tries to get directly from
    spm.m / Contents.m pairs.
 tf = mars_utils('is_swapped_wrong', V)
    Deprecated - see version in mars_vol_utils

 tf = mars_utils('version_less_than', v1, v2)
    Returns 1 if version v1 is lower than version v2.
    Versions can be numbers.  If strings, versions can contain more than
    one '.' character. For example, '0.38.1' is less than '0.39', or



This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 function varargout=mars_utils(varargin)
0002 % collection of useful utility functions for MarsBaR etc
0003 %
0004 % fname = mars_utils('str2fname', str)
0005 %    accepts string, attempts return of string for valid filename
0006 %    The passed string should be without path or extension
0007 %
0008 % tf = mars_utils('is_valid_varname', str)
0009 %    accepts string, tests if it is a valid variable name
0010 %    returns 1 for yes.
0011 %
0012 % P = mars_utils('get_img_name', fname, flags);
0013 %    gets name of image, if image exists, checks for overwrite
0014 %    returns filename, or empty string if overwrite not wanted
0015 %
0016 % XYZ = mars_utils('e2xyz', els, dims);
0017 %    takes element numbers in an image (e.g. find(img>5)) and the
0018 %    dimensions of the image [X Y Z] and returns the 3xN voxel
0019 %    coordinates corresponding to the N elements
0020 %
0021 % absf = mars_utils('isabspath', path);
0022 %    Takes path name, and returns flag, 1 if path is absolute on this
0023 %    system, 0 if relative or empty
0024 %
0025 % mars_utils('graphic_text', strs, [title_str, [, figure_str]])
0026 %    Displays cell array of text (strs) in SPM graphics window
0027 %    with optional title (char) title_string.  Can also set to display to
0028 %    other figure window (string or figure handle).
0029 %
0030 % mars_utils('spm_version', [check_global])
0031 %    Gets SPM version string.  Robust version to allow there to be
0032 %    versions of the spm.m file to not have Contents.m files in the same
0033 %    directory.  If optional flag check_global is zero, does _not_ check
0034 %    global SPM_VER variable for version, and tries to get directly from
0035 %    spm.m / Contents.m pairs.
0036 %
0037 % tf = mars_utils('is_swapped_wrong', V)
0038 %    Deprecated - see version in mars_vol_utils
0039 %
0040 % tf = mars_utils('version_less_than', v1, v2)
0041 %    Returns 1 if version v1 is lower than version v2.
0042 %    Versions can be numbers.  If strings, versions can contain more than
0043 %    one '.' character. For example, '0.38.1' is less than '0.39', or
0044 %    '0.38.2'
0045 %
0046 % $Id$
0048 if nargin < 1
0049   error('Need action');
0050 end
0051 Action = lower(varargin{1});
0053 switch(Action)
0055 %=======================================================================
0056 case 'str2fname'                                   %-string to file name
0057 %=======================================================================
0058 if nargin < 2
0059   error('Need to specify string');
0060 end
0061 str = varargin{2};
0062 % forbidden chars in file name
0063 badchars = unique([filesep '/\ :;.''"~*?<>|&']);
0065 tmp = find(ismember(str, badchars));   
0066 if ~isempty(tmp)
0067   str(tmp) = '_';
0068   dt = diff(tmp);
0069   if ~isempty(dt)
0070     str(tmp(dt==1))=[];
0071   end
0072 end
0073 varargout={str};
0075 %=======================================================================
0076 case 'is_valid_varname'        %- tests if string is valid variable name
0077 %=======================================================================
0078 if nargin < 2
0079   error('Need to specify string');
0080 end
0081 str = varargin{2};
0082 try 
0083   eval([str '= [];']);
0084   varargout={1};
0085 catch
0086   varargout = {0};
0087 end
0089 %=======================================================================
0090 case 'get_img_name'          %-gets name of image, checks for overwrite
0091 %=======================================================================
0092 if nargin < 2
0093   fname = '';
0094 else
0095   fname = varargin{2};
0096 end
0097 if nargin < 3
0098   flags = '';
0099 else 
0100   flags = varargin{3};
0101 end
0102 if isempty(flags)
0103   flags = 'k';
0104 end
0106 varargout = {''};
0107 fdir = spm_get(-1, '', 'Directory to save image');
0108 fname = spm_input('Image filename', '+1', 's', fname);
0109 if isempty(fname), return, end
0111 % set img extension and make absolute path
0112 [pn fn ext] = fileparts(fname);
0113 out_ext = mars_veropts('pref_img_out_ext');
0114 fname = fullfile(fdir, [fn out_ext]);
0115 fname = spm_get('cpath', fname);
0117 if any(flags == 'k') && exist(fname, 'file')
0118   if ~spm_input(['Overwrite ' fn], '+1', ...
0119         'b','Yes|No',[1 0], 1)
0120     return
0121   end
0122 end
0123 varargout = {fname};
0125 %=======================================================================
0126 case 'e2xyz'         %-returns XYZ voxel coordinates for element numbers
0127 %=======================================================================
0128 if nargin < 2
0129   error('Need element numbers');
0130 end
0131 if nargin < 3
0132   error('Need image dimensions');
0133 end
0134 els = varargin{2};
0135 dim = varargin{3};
0136 if size(els, 2) == 1, els = els'; end
0137 nz = els-1;
0138 pl_sz = dim(1)*dim(2);
0139 Z = floor(nz / pl_sz);
0140 nz = nz - Z*pl_sz;
0141 Y = floor(nz / dim(1));
0142 X = nz - Y*dim(1);
0143 XYZ = [X; Y; Z] +1;
0144 varargout = {XYZ};
0146 %=======================================================================
0147 case 'isabspath' % Returns 1 for absolute path, 0 if relative (or empty)
0148 %=======================================================================
0149 if nargin < 2
0150   error('Need path to test');
0151 end
0152 pn = varargin{2};
0153 switch (spm_platform('filesys'))
0154  case 'unx'
0155   if (~isempty(pn) && pn(1)=='/'), absf=1; else, absf=0; end
0156  case 'win'
0157   if (length(pn)>1 && pn(2)==':'), absf=1; else, absf=0; end
0158  otherwise
0159   error('isabspath not coded for this filesystem');
0160 end
0161 varargout = {absf};
0163 %=======================================================================
0164 case 'graphic_text'                 % Displays text in SPM figure window
0165 %=======================================================================
0166 if nargin < 2, error('Need text to show'); else S = varargin{2}; end
0167 if ischar(S), S = cellstr(S); end
0168 if nargin < 3, TTitle = ''; else TTitle = varargin{3}; end
0169 if nargin < 4, F = []; else, F=varargin{4}; end
0170 if isempty(F), F='Graphics'; end
0171 if ischar(F), F = spm_figure('GetWin', F); end
0172 if isempty(F), F = spm_figure('GetWin', 'Graphics'); end
0174 FS = spm('FontSizes');
0175 PF = spm_platform('fonts');
0177 spm_figure('clear', F);
0178 figure(F);
0179 hAxes = axes('Position',[0.028,0.05,0.85,0.85],...
0180         'DefaultTextInterpreter','none',...
0181         'Units','Points','Visible','off');
0182 AxPos = get(hAxes,'Position'); set(hAxes,'YLim',[0,AxPos(4)])
0184 dy = FS(10)*1.2; y0 = floor(AxPos(4)) -dy; y  = y0;
0186 text(-0.03,y0,TTitle,'FontSize',FS(14),'FontWeight','bold');
0187 y     = y0 - FS(14);
0189 %-Loop over lines of text
0190 %------------------------
0191 for i = 1:prod(size(S))
0192   d = S{i};
0194   %-For some reason, '|' characters cause a CR.
0195   d = strrep(d,'|','I');
0196   h = text(0,y,d,'FontName',PF.courier,'FontSize',FS(10));
0197   y = y - dy;
0198 end
0200 %=======================================================================
0201 case 'spm_version'                   % Robust get for SPM version string
0202 %=======================================================================
0203 % The problem we are trying to solve here is how to take account of the
0204 % unusual situation of the spm.m file _not_ being in the same directory
0205 % as the Contents.m file.  SPM8 raises an error, SPM5 and probably
0206 % previous just returns 'SPM'.  We raise an error always.
0208 try
0209     ver = spm('ver');
0210 catch
0211     err = lasterr;
0212     if strcmp('Undefined', err(1:length('Undefined')))
0213         error('Marsbar needs SPM on the matlab path')
0214     end
0215     error(lasterr)
0216 end
0217 % If version find failed, for SPM5, routine returns 'SPM'
0218 str = ['Can''t obtain SPM Revision information. Is spm.m in the same' ...
0219        ' directory as Contents.m?'];
0220 if strcmp(ver, 'SPM')
0221     error(str)
0222 end
0223 varargout = {ver};
0225 %=======================================================================
0226 case 'is_swapped_wrong'    % Returns 1 for if vol is incorrectly swapped
0227 %=======================================================================
0228 warning(...
0229     sprintf(['mars_utils version of ''is_swapped_wrong'' deprecated\n',...
0230          'Please use same function in mars_vol_utils']));
0231 varargout = {mars_vol_utils(varargin{:})};
0233 %=======================================================================
0234 case 'version_less_than' % Returns 1 for if first version less than last
0235 %=======================================================================
0237 if nargin < 3
0238   error('Need two version strings to compare');
0239 end
0240 varargout{1} = sf_ver_lt(varargin{2:3});
0242 otherwise
0243   error([Action ' is too strange']);
0244 end
0245 return
0247 % Subfunctions
0249 function tf = sf_ver_lt(v1, v2)
0250 % Returns 1 if version string v1 is lower than v2
0251 vs = {v1, v2};
0252 for v = 1:2
0253   ns = vs{v};
0254   if ~ischar(ns), ns = num2str(ns); end
0255   ns = sf_str_to_nums(ns); 
0256   cmp_mat(v, 1:length(ns)) = ns;
0257 end
0258 dp = diff(cmp_mat) * -1;
0259 for i = 1:length(dp)
0260   if dp(i)<0, tf = 1; return, end
0261   if dp(i)>0, tf = 0; return, end 
0262 end
0263 tf = 0;
0264 return
0266 function ns = sf_str_to_nums(str)
0267 str = str(ismember(str, '0123456789.'));
0268 str = ['.' str '.'];
0269 ps = find(str == '.');
0270 ns = [];
0271 for p = 2:length(ps)
0272   s = str(ps(p-1)+1:ps(p)-1);
0273   ns = [ns str2num(s)];
0274 end
0275 return

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