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mardo - class constructor for MarsBaR design object


function [o, others] = mardo(params, others, passf)


 mardo - class constructor for MarsBaR design object
 inputs [defaults]
 params  -  one of:
            - string, specifying SPM design file, OR
            - structure, which can:
               contain SPM/MarsBaR design or
               contain fields for mardo object, which should include
               'des_struct', containing design structure
 others  - any other fields for mardo object (or children)
 passf   - if 1, or not passed, will try children objects to see if
           they would like to own this design

 o       - mardo object
 others  - any unrecognized fields from params, others

 D = mardo('/my/spm/analysis/directory/SPM.mat');
 % or
 D = mardo(SPM);
 % or
 D = mardo(struct('des_struct', SPM, 'verbose', 0));
 % or
 D = mardo(SPM, struct('verbose', 0));
 mardo is an object to contain SPM designs. It allows us to deal with
 different design formats by overloading functions in child objects, here
 for harmonizing between SPM2 and SPM99 designs.  It is transparent, in
 the sense that it can be referenced as a structure, so to the user, it
 can appear as if the design continues to be the familiar old SPM structure.
 This constructor first checks for strings; it treats strings as filenames
 containing SPM designs, and loads the file.  By now it should have an SPM
 design structure (passed or loaded). It then labels itself as a mardo
 design, and passes itself to candidate mardo design classes (99 and 2 type
 designs) for these classes to further claim the object.  If the (99 or 2)
 classes claim the object, they return an object of class (99 or 2), which
 inherits the mardo class just created in this call to the object.
 Note the "passf" input flag; this is a trick to allow the other mardo
 classes (99 and 2) to create a mardo object for them to inherit, without
 this constructor passing the mardo object back to the other classes,
 creating an infinite loop.  So, the flag is by default set to 1, and the
 newly created mardo object is passed to the other mardo classes for them
 to claim ownership.  The other mardo classes can call this constructor
 with passf set to 0 in order for the constructor merely to make a mardo
 object, without passing back to the other classes.

 Note also the way that the constructor passes out fields in the input
 structures that it does not recognize.  This is so apparently useless
 field information can be passed to child objects for processing (or
 parent objects, but mardo does not have a parent).

 des_struct  - structure containing SPM design
 verbose     - flag; if 1, display text messages during processing
 flip_option - flag; only used on creation of the object.  If 1, and the
               design not the same format as the current version of SPM
               on the path, then this constructor will flip the images
               in the design left to right.  So, if an SPM99 design
               object is being created, and SPM2 is the version on the
               path, and flip_option is set to 1, then the images will
               be automatically flipped in the design, as the object is
               being created.

 is_valid     - returns 1 if des_struct contains a valid design
 is_fmri      - returns 1 if design is modality 'fmri'
 is_marsed    - returns 1 if design has been processed with MarsBaR
 is_mars_estimated - returns 1 if design has Mars estimation data
 is_spm_estimated - returns 1 if design has SPM estimation data  
 modality     - returns one of 'fmri','pet','unknown'
 verbose      - whether reporting is verbose or not (1 or 0)
 type         - returns design version string 'SPM2' or 'SPM99'
 block_rows   - returns cell array, one cell per subject or session,
                containing indices of design rows for that
 block_means  - returns means for each block in the design
 n_time_points - number of rows (time points) in design
 n_effects    - number of columns (effects) in design
 ui_report    - display design report and query menu in UI
 ui_report_fmri - design report + inspection tools for FMRI
 savestruct   - saves design structure to file, with fields as variables
 des_struct   - sets or gets design structure
 has_filter   - returns 1 if the design contains a filter, NaN if not known
 apply_filter - applies design filter to data
 ui_get_filter - gets filter and stocks in design
 fill          - fills design with filter, images, or default values
 data          - get/set data in estimated design
 get_data      - get data
 set_data      - set_data

 contrasts     - get/set contrasts 
 has_contrasts - returns 1 if the design contains contrasts
 set_contrasts - set contrasts to design
 get_contrasts - returns contrasts if present
 add_contrasts - adds contrasts from a design, xCon struct or passed values
 ui_get_contrasts - runs spm_conman to choose contrasts, returns indices
 has_images   - returns 1 if the design contains images, NaN if not known
 images       - gets / sets images in design
 get_images   - gets image vol structs if present
 set_images   - sets images 
 image_names  - gets image names as cell array 
 cd_images    - changes root directory to design images
 prefix_images - adds, removes prefix from images names (e.g. 's')
 estimate     - estimates design, given data
 compute_contrasts - computes contrasts, returns statistics structure
 stat_table   - return statistic table report and structures for
 mars_spm_graph - runs graph UI, displays in SPM windows

 event_signal - calculates % signal change for (maybe compound) event
 event_fitted - gets fitted time course for (maybe compound) event
 event_regressor - returns regressor for given event type and duration
 ui_get_event    - runs UI to select a single event
 ui_event_types  - runs UI to select, create, edit event types.
 event_cols   - returns column in design from given event



This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 function [o, others] = mardo(params, others, passf)
0002 % mardo - class constructor for MarsBaR design object
0003 % inputs [defaults]
0004 % params  -  one of:
0005 %            - string, specifying SPM design file, OR
0006 %            - structure, which can:
0007 %               contain SPM/MarsBaR design or
0008 %               contain fields for mardo object, which should include
0009 %               'des_struct', containing design structure
0010 % others  - any other fields for mardo object (or children)
0011 % passf   - if 1, or not passed, will try children objects to see if
0012 %           they would like to own this design
0013 %
0014 % outputs
0015 % o       - mardo object
0016 % others  - any unrecognized fields from params, others
0017 %
0018 % Synopsis
0019 % --------
0020 % D = mardo('/my/spm/analysis/directory/SPM.mat');
0021 % % or
0022 % load('/my/spm/analysis/directory/SPM.mat');
0023 % D = mardo(SPM);
0024 % % or
0025 % load('/my/spm/analysis/directory/SPM.mat');
0026 % D = mardo(struct('des_struct', SPM, 'verbose', 0));
0027 % % or
0028 % D = mardo(SPM, struct('verbose', 0));
0029 %
0030 % mardo is an object to contain SPM designs. It allows us to deal with
0031 % different design formats by overloading functions in child objects, here
0032 % for harmonizing between SPM2 and SPM99 designs.  It is transparent, in
0033 % the sense that it can be referenced as a structure, so to the user, it
0034 % can appear as if the design continues to be the familiar old SPM structure.
0035 %
0036 % This constructor first checks for strings; it treats strings as filenames
0037 % containing SPM designs, and loads the file.  By now it should have an SPM
0038 % design structure (passed or loaded). It then labels itself as a mardo
0039 % design, and passes itself to candidate mardo design classes (99 and 2 type
0040 % designs) for these classes to further claim the object.  If the (99 or 2)
0041 % classes claim the object, they return an object of class (99 or 2), which
0042 % inherits the mardo class just created in this call to the object.
0043 %
0044 % Note the "passf" input flag; this is a trick to allow the other mardo
0045 % classes (99 and 2) to create a mardo object for them to inherit, without
0046 % this constructor passing the mardo object back to the other classes,
0047 % creating an infinite loop.  So, the flag is by default set to 1, and the
0048 % newly created mardo object is passed to the other mardo classes for them
0049 % to claim ownership.  The other mardo classes can call this constructor
0050 % with passf set to 0 in order for the constructor merely to make a mardo
0051 % object, without passing back to the other classes.
0052 %
0053 % Note also the way that the constructor passes out fields in the input
0054 % structures that it does not recognize.  This is so apparently useless
0055 % field information can be passed to child objects for processing (or
0056 % parent objects, but mardo does not have a parent).
0057 %
0058 % Fields
0059 % des_struct  - structure containing SPM design
0060 % verbose     - flag; if 1, display text messages during processing
0061 % flip_option - flag; only used on creation of the object.  If 1, and the
0062 %               design not the same format as the current version of SPM
0063 %               on the path, then this constructor will flip the images
0064 %               in the design left to right.  So, if an SPM99 design
0065 %               object is being created, and SPM2 is the version on the
0066 %               path, and flip_option is set to 1, then the images will
0067 %               be automatically flipped in the design, as the object is
0068 %               being created.
0069 %
0070 % Methods
0071 % is_valid     - returns 1 if des_struct contains a valid design
0072 % is_fmri      - returns 1 if design is modality 'fmri'
0073 % is_marsed    - returns 1 if design has been processed with MarsBaR
0074 % is_mars_estimated - returns 1 if design has Mars estimation data
0075 % is_spm_estimated - returns 1 if design has SPM estimation data
0076 % modality     - returns one of 'fmri','pet','unknown'
0077 % verbose      - whether reporting is verbose or not (1 or 0)
0078 % type         - returns design version string 'SPM2' or 'SPM99'
0079 % block_rows   - returns cell array, one cell per subject or session,
0080 %                containing indices of design rows for that
0081 %                subject/session
0082 % block_means  - returns means for each block in the design
0083 % n_time_points - number of rows (time points) in design
0084 % n_effects    - number of columns (effects) in design
0085 % ui_report    - display design report and query menu in UI
0086 % ui_report_fmri - design report + inspection tools for FMRI
0087 %
0088 % savestruct   - saves design structure to file, with fields as variables
0089 % des_struct   - sets or gets design structure
0090 %
0091 % has_filter   - returns 1 if the design contains a filter, NaN if not known
0092 % apply_filter - applies design filter to data
0093 % ui_get_filter - gets filter and stocks in design
0094 % fill          - fills design with filter, images, or default values
0095 %
0096 % data          - get/set data in estimated design
0097 % get_data      - get data
0098 % set_data      - set_data
0099 %
0100 % contrasts     - get/set contrasts
0101 % has_contrasts - returns 1 if the design contains contrasts
0102 % set_contrasts - set contrasts to design
0103 % get_contrasts - returns contrasts if present
0104 % add_contrasts - adds contrasts from a design, xCon struct or passed values
0105 % ui_get_contrasts - runs spm_conman to choose contrasts, returns indices
0106 %
0107 % has_images   - returns 1 if the design contains images, NaN if not known
0108 % images       - gets / sets images in design
0109 % get_images   - gets image vol structs if present
0110 % set_images   - sets images
0111 % image_names  - gets image names as cell array
0112 % cd_images    - changes root directory to design images
0113 % prefix_images - adds, removes prefix from images names (e.g. 's')
0114 %
0115 % estimate     - estimates design, given data
0116 % compute_contrasts - computes contrasts, returns statistics structure
0117 % stat_table   - return statistic table report and structures for
0118 %                contrasts
0119 % mars_spm_graph - runs graph UI, displays in SPM windows
0120 %
0121 % event_signal - calculates % signal change for (maybe compound) event
0122 % event_fitted - gets fitted time course for (maybe compound) event
0123 % event_regressor - returns regressor for given event type and duration
0124 % ui_get_event    - runs UI to select a single event
0125 % ui_event_types  - runs UI to select, create, edit event types.
0126 % event_cols   - returns column in design from given event
0127 %
0128 % $Id$
0130 myclass = 'mardo';
0131 cvs_v   = marsbar('ver'); % was CVS version; now marsbar version
0133 % Default flip option
0134 flippo = mars_struct('getifthere', ...
0135              spm('getglobal', 'MARS'), ...
0136              'OPTIONS', ...
0137              'statistics', ...
0138              'flip_option');
0139 if isempty(flippo), flippo = 0; end
0141 % Default object structure; see also paramfields.m
0142 defstruct = struct('des_struct', [],...
0143            'flip_option', flippo,...
0144            'verbose', 1);
0146 if nargin < 1
0147   defstruct.cvs_version = cvs_v;
0148   o = class(defstruct, myclass);
0149   others = [];
0150   return
0151 end
0152 if nargin < 2
0153   others = [];
0154 end
0155 if nargin < 3
0156   passf = 1;
0157 end
0159 % Deal with passed objects of this (or child) class
0160 if isa(params, myclass)
0161   o = params;
0162   % Check for simple form of call
0163   if isempty(others), return, end
0165   % Otherwise, we are being asked to set fields of object
0166   [p others] = mars_struct('split', others, defstruct);
0167   if isfield(p, 'des_struct')
0168     error('Please set des_struct using des_struct method');
0169   end
0170   if isfield(p, 'verbose'), o.verbose = p.verbose; end
0171   if isfield(p, 'flip_option'), o.flip_option = p.flip_option; end
0172   return
0173 end
0175 % check inputs
0176 if ischar(params)  % maybe filename
0177   fname  = deblank(params);
0178   fname  = spm_get('CPath', fname);
0179   params = load(fname);
0180   params.swd = fileparts(fname);
0181 else
0182   fname = '';
0183 end
0184 if isstruct(params)
0185   if ~isfield(params, 'des_struct')
0186     % Appears to be an SPM design
0187     params = struct('des_struct', params);
0188   end
0189 end
0191 % fill with other params, defaults, parse into fields for this object,
0192 % children
0193 params = mars_struct('ffillmerge', params, others);
0194 [params, others] = mars_struct('ffillsplit', defstruct, params);
0196 % cvs version
0197 params.cvs_version = cvs_v;
0199 % set the mardo object
0200 o  = class(params, myclass);
0202 % Return if des_struct is empty, there's nothing to do
0203 if isempty(o.des_struct), return, end
0205 % If requested, pass to child objects to request ownership
0206 if passf
0207   % Check what object type is returned from each of the potential
0208   % constructors.  If returns default (this) object type, the constructor
0209   % has disowned the design, and keep looking
0210   [o others] = mardo_99(o, others);
0211   if strcmp(class(o), myclass)
0212     [o others] = mardo_2(o, others);
0213   end
0214   if strcmp(class(o), myclass)
0215     [o others] = mardo_5(o, others);
0216   end
0217 end
0219 % convert MarsBaR data field to object, if present
0220 if isfield(o.des_struct, 'marsY')
0221   o.des_struct.marsY = marsy(o.des_struct.marsY);
0222 end
0224 % If the design was loaded from a file, and is 99 type then it may need
0225 % contrasts.  If it was estimated in MarsBaR, try loading mars_xCon.mat in the
0226 % same directory.  If it was estimated in SPM, try loading xCon.mat in the same
0227 % directory.
0228 if ~isempty(fname) & strcmp(type(o), 'SPM99') & ~has_contrasts(o)
0229   % We try to load contrasts from an xCon file
0230   [pn fn ext] = fileparts(fname);
0231   if is_mars_estimated(o)
0232     xcon_name = fullfile(pn, 'mars_xCon.mat')
0233   elseif is_spm_estimated(o)
0234     xcon_name = fullfile(pn, 'xCon.mat');
0235   else
0236     xcon_name = '';
0237   end
0238   if ~isempty(xcon_name)
0239     % There is a file to load
0240     if exist(xcon_name, 'file')
0241       xc = load(xcon_name);
0242       if isfield(xc, 'xCon')
0243           o = set_contrasts(o, xc.xCon);
0244           if verbose(o)
0245               disp(['Set contrasts from ' xcon_name]);
0246           end
0247       end
0248     elseif verbose(o)
0249       disp('Failed to load contrasts');
0250     end
0251   end
0252 end
0254 % Refresh contrasts if option specifies
0255 if is_mars_estimated(o) & mars_get_option('statistics', 'refresh_contrasts')
0256     o = refresh_contrasts(o);
0257 end
0259 % sort out design image flipping
0260 dt = type(o);
0261 sv = mars_utils('spm_version');
0262 maybe_flip = ~strcmp(dt, sv) & ismember('SPM99', {dt, sv});
0263 if ~is_marsed(o) 
0264   if sf_tf(has_images(o)) & maybe_flip
0265     flippo = flip_option(o);
0266     switch flippo
0267      case 1
0268       o = flip_images(o);
0269       add_str = '';
0270      case 0
0271       add_str = 'not ';
0272      otherwise
0273       error(['Do not recognize flip option ' flippo]);
0274     end
0275     if verbose(o)
0276       fprintf([...
0277     'This a design from %s, but you are currently using %s\n',...
0278     'Data may be extracted from different sides in X (L/R)\n',...
0279     'when using this design with %s compared to %s.\n',...
0280     'NB mardo object has %sflipped the images for this design\n'],...
0281           dt, sv, dt, sv, add_str);
0282     end
0283   end % has_images, design/running SPM version differ
0284   % Add Mars tag
0285   o = mars_tag(o, struct(...
0286       'flipped', flip_option(o)));
0287 end
0289 % resolve confusing field name in marsbar <= 0.23
0290 % ResMS was in fact the _Root_ Mean Square
0291 % The statistics routines treated the field correctly
0292 D = o.des_struct;
0293 if isfield(D, 'ResMS')
0294   if verbose(o)
0295     msg = {'Compatibility trivia: processed ResMS to ResidualMS'};
0296     fprintf('\n%s',sprintf('%s\n',msg{:})); 
0297   end
0298   D.ResidualMS = D.ResMS .^ 2;
0299   D = rmfield(D, 'ResMS');
0300   o.des_struct = D;
0301 end
0303 return
0305 function r = sf_tf(d)
0306 if isnan(d), r = 0;
0307 else
0308   r = (d~=0);
0309 end
0310 return

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