< Master index Index for marsbar/@mardo >

Index for marsbar/@mardo

Matlab files in this directory:

 add_contrastsmethod to add contrast definitions to design
 adjusted_dataReturn adjusted data for estimated design and contrast no
 betasmethod to get estimated betas
 block_mean_colsmethod returns rows for means for blocks in design
 block_meansmethod returns means for blocks in design
 cd_imagesmethod for changing path to image files in design
 contrastsmethod to get or set contrasts
 datamethod to get or set data object
 des_structget/set method for des_struct field
 descripmethod gets cell string description of design
 design_matrixmethod returns design matrix from design
 design_structuremethod to get or set SPM design structure
 displaydisplay method for mardo objects
 error_dfmethod returns error df from design
 event_fittedmethod to compute fitted event time course
 event_fitted_firmethod to compute fitted event time courses using FIR
 event_signalmethod to compute % signal change from fMRI events
 event_typesmethod to get / set event types for design
 event_types_namedmethod returns event types structures for events with same names
 flip_imagesflips images in design
 flip_optionget/set flag for flipping images in design
 full_volreturns vol with full path, from vols, or image names
 get_contrast_by_nameget named contrast(s) from design contrast structure
 get_contrastsmethod to get contrasts from design object
 get_datamethod to get data from design object
 get_vol_fieldmethod to get named field, containing or referring to vol structs
 has_contrastsmethod returns 1 if design has contrasts
 has_filterreturns 1 if object contains filter
 has_imagesreturns 1 if design contains images, NaN if not known
 has_whitenerreturns 1 if design has whitening filter
 image_namesmethod returning image file names for design
 imagesmethod to get or set images
 is_fmrimethod returns 1 if this is an fmri design
 is_mars_estimatedmethod returns 1 if design has been estimated in MarsBaR
 is_marsedreturns 1 if design has been processed with MarsBaR
 is_spm_estimatedreturns 1 if design has been estimated in SPM
 is_validreturns 1 if object contains valid SPM/MarsBaR design
 isemptyoverloaded isempty method for mardo object
 isfieldmethod to overload isfield for mardo objects
 mardomardo - class constructor for MarsBaR design object
 mars_tagreturns, or sets, Mars tagging structure in design
 marsy_datamethod to get or set marsy data
 masking_structmethod to get or set SPM masking structure
 modalitymethod returns modality of design
 n_effectsget number of effects (columns) in design
 n_time_pointsget number of time_points in design
 native_vol_verreturn string specifying native vol type
 paramfieldsreturns struct with fields from maroi object useful for copying objects
 prefix_imagesmethod for adding or removing prefix from file names in design
 refresh_contrastsmethod to refresh contrasts to match design
 residualsmethod returns residuals from model
 savestructsaves data in def_struct as variables in .mat file
 set_contrastsmethod to set contrasts into design object
 set_datamethod to set data for design object
 set_vol_fieldmethod to set named field, containing or referring to vol structs
 stat_tablegets Mars statistics and creates statistic table as cell array
 subsasgnmethod to overload . notation in assignments.
 subsrefmethod to overload the . notation.
 summarymethod returns cell array of strings describing design
 swdmethod to get/set design directory
 swd_writablereturns true if swd directory can be written to
 typereturns SPM version string corresponding to design type
 ui_et_editmethod to edit invidual event types in design
 ui_et_edit_cbmethod to handle callbacks from ui_et_edit
 ui_event_typesui method for selection / editing of event types
 ui_event_types_cbmethod to handle callbacks from ui_event_types
 ui_ft_design_datamethod plots FT of design and data to graphics window
 ui_get_contrastsSPM contrast UI, wrapped for MarsBaR
 unfiltered_efficiencyCalculate unfiltered efficiency for given SPM design and contrast
 verboseget/set method for verbose field

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