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runs tests on MarsBaR using specified designs


function res = test_rig(design_paths, params)


 runs tests on MarsBaR using specified designs
 FORMAT res = test(design_paths, params)
 design_paths     - path(s) to SPM design files
 params           - structure giving params to pass to estimate method,
                    see help for do_estimate methods for details
                    Default is
                    params = struct('redo_covar', 0, ...
                                'redo_whitening', 0);
 res              - 1 if all tests passed, 0 otherwise
 The function depends on the SPM design having estimated contrasts to
 play with.  It uses these to:
 Get the maximum voxel in the first F and first T contrast
 Records the T/F statistic value
 Makes an ROI out of this voxel
 Estimates in MarsBaR
 Checks the statistic value is that same.
 Along the way, it uses much of the MarsBaR machinery


This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 function res = test_rig(design_paths, params)
0002 % runs tests on MarsBaR using specified designs
0003 % FORMAT res = test(design_paths, params)
0004 %
0005 % Inputs
0006 % design_paths     - path(s) to SPM design files
0007 % params           - structure giving params to pass to estimate method,
0008 %                    see help for do_estimate methods for details
0009 %                    Default is
0010 %                    params = struct('redo_covar', 0, ...
0011 %                                'redo_whitening', 0);
0012 %
0013 % Outputs
0014 % res              - 1 if all tests passed, 0 otherwise
0015 %
0016 % The function depends on the SPM design having estimated contrasts to
0017 % play with.  It uses these to:
0018 % Get the maximum voxel in the first F and first T contrast
0019 % Records the T/F statistic value
0020 % Makes an ROI out of this voxel
0021 % Estimates in MarsBaR
0022 % Checks the statistic value is that same.
0023 %
0024 % Along the way, it uses much of the MarsBaR machinery
0025 %
0026 % $Id$
0028 if nargin < 1
0029   design_paths = spm_get([0 Inf], 'SPM*.mat', 'Select SPM designs');
0030 end
0031 if nargin < 2
0032   params = struct('redo_covar', 0, ...
0033           'redo_whitening', 0);
0034 end
0036 n_designs = size(design_paths, 1);
0037 res = zeros(n_designs, 1);
0038 for d = 1:n_designs
0039   d_path = deblank(design_paths(d,:));
0040   res(d) = sf_test_design(d_path, params);
0041 end
0042 return
0044 function res = sf_test_design(d_path, params)
0045 % tests one design
0047 % Check for SPM estimated design, with estimated contrasts
0048 D = mardo(d_path);
0049 if ~is_spm_estimated(D)
0050   error('Need an SPM estimated design');
0051 end
0052 if ~has_contrasts(D)
0053   error(['Design ' d_path ' does not contain contrasts']);
0054 end
0055 if ~has_images(D)
0056   error(['Design ' d_path ' does not contain images']);
0057 end
0059 % try to get one F and one T contrast
0060 Swd = fileparts(d_path);
0061 xCon = get_contrasts(D);
0062 stats = [xCon(:).STAT];
0063 Ic    = []; fnames = {};
0064 for t = 'TF'
0065   for c = fliplr(find(stats == t))
0066     F = xCon(c).Vspm;
0067     if ~isempty(F)
0068       % SPM99 = filename, SPM2 = vol_struct
0069       if isstruct(F), F = F.fname; end
0070       % SPM5 has full paths for the contrast images
0071       con_pth = fileparts(F);
0072       if isempty(con_pth)
0073           F = fullfile(Swd, F);
0074       end
0075       if exist(F, 'file'), Ic = [Ic c]; fnames{end+1} = F; break, end
0076     end
0077   end
0078 end
0079 if isempty(Ic)
0080   error(['Could not find any contrast images for ' d_path]);
0081 end
0083 % find maximum voxel coordinate for contrasts and test
0084 res = 1;
0085 for c = 1:length(Ic)
0086   V = spm_vol(fnames{c});
0087   img = spm_read_vols(V);
0088   [mx(c) i] = max(img(:));
0089   xyz(:, c) = mars_utils('e2xyz', i, V.dim(1:3));
0090   mx_roi(c) = maroi_pointlist(struct('XYZ', xyz(:, c), ...
0091                 'mat', V.mat), 'vox');
0092   Y = get_marsy(mx_roi(c), D, 'mean');
0093   E = estimate(D, Y, params);
0094   [E n_Ic] = add_contrasts(E, D, Ic(c));
0095   marsS = compute_contrasts(E, n_Ic);
0096   fprintf('SPM statistic %7.4f; MarsBaR statistic %7.4f\n',...
0097             mx(c), marsS.stat(1));
0098   st_spm = mx(c);
0099   st_mars = marsS.stat(1);
0100   bad_test = abs(st_mars - st_spm) > 1e-5;
0101   if bad_test % Statistics are different - SPM8 fudge?
0102     spmV = lower(mars_utils('spm_version'));
0103     if any(strcmp(spmV, {'spm8', 'spm12b', 'spm12'}))
0104       xCon = get_contrasts(E);
0105       this_con = xCon(n_Ic);
0106       if this_con.STAT == 'T' & (st_mars > st_spm)
0107         % Probably the fudge factor
0108         fudge = (st_mars / st_spm - 1) / exp(-8);
0109         fprintf('Fudge value was %f\n', fudge);
0110         % fudge should now be max SE across all voxels in the
0111         % estimation block (e.g. slice) / SE for this voxel
0112         if fudge < 10
0113           bad_test = 0;
0114         end
0115       end
0116     end
0117   end
0118   if bad_test
0119     disp('MarsBaR gives a different result for contrast');
0120     res = 0;
0121   end
0122 end
0123 return

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