< Master index Index for marsbar/@maroi >

Index for marsbar/@maroi

Matlab files in this directory:

 andoverloaded add function
 are_samereturns 1 if rois are the same
 back2baseback2base method - check for spacebase, transform thereto
 binarizebinarize - returns / sets binarize value for object
 c_o_mc_o_m method - calculates unweighted centre of mass
 classdataclassdata method - sets/gets class data
 descripname - returns / sets name value for object
 displaydisplay - method
 eqoverloaded eq function
 flip_lrflips ROI left / right
 geoverloaded ge function
 get_marsygets data in ROIs from images
 getdatagetdata method - fetches time series data for ROI from images
 gtoverloaded gt (greater than) function
 has_spacehas_space method - returns true if object has a native space
 historyhistory - returns / sets history value for object
 labellabel - returns / sets label value for object
 leoverloaded le (less than or equal to) function
 loadobjloadobj method - fills fields needed for backwards compatibility
 ltoverloaded lt (less than) function
 maroimaroi - class constructor for umbrella ROI object
 maroi_matrixmaroi_matrix method - converts roi to maroi matrix type
 minusoverloaded minus function
 mrdivideoverloaded mrdivide (matrix right divide) function
 mtimesoverloaded mtimes function
 native_spacenative_space method - returns native space of object
 neoverloaded ne function
 notoverloaded not function
 oroverloaded or function
 paramfieldsreturns struct with fields from maroi object useful for copying objects
 plusoverloaded plus function
 rdivideoverloaded rdivide function
 realptsrealpts method - returns 3xN XYZ matrix in mm
 rlerun length encoding method
 roithreshroithresh - returns / sets roithresh value for object
 save_as_imagemethod save_as_image - saves ROI as image
 save_mricrosaves in MRIcro format
 saveroisaveroi method - checks fname, sets source field, saves object
 sourcesource - returns / sets source value for object
 spm_holdhold - returns / sets hold value for object
 timesoverloaded times function
 volumevolume method - returns volume of ROI in mm
 xoroverloaded xor function

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