< Master index Index for marsbar/@maroi_matrix >

Index for marsbar/@maroi_matrix

Matlab files in this directory:

 do_write_imagemethod saves matrix as image and returns spm_vol
 domathshelper function to do maths on matrix object
 flip_lrflips ROI left / right
 is_empty_roiis_empty_roi - returns true if ROI contains no volume
 loadobjloadobj function - undoes run length encoding if appropriate
 maroi_matrixmaroi_matrix - class constructor
 matrixdatamatrixdata method - gets matrix from ROI object
 native_spacenative_space method - returns native space of object
 rebaserebase method - returns data from maroi_matrix in new space
 saveobjsaveobj function - does run length encoding if helpful
 spm_matspm_mat method - returns mat file defining orientation etc
 voxptsvoxpts method - returns 3xN ijk matrix in voxels

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